Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two of a kind

Alright, so yesterday I had posted on my facebook  account that I had started a blog.  I posted the link and a few people read it and commented.  One comment in particular reminded me of story from when I was like 19 or 20.

 I used to go with my friends to Niagara Falls for weekend getaways all the time.  One weekend we were feeling pretty confident and decided to go get tattoos.  There were three of us and two of us knew our moms would go nuts if they found out.  Being late teens early 20's we went ahead and did it anyway.   The two of us got our tattoos but had them done where they could be easily hidden with our clothes (kinda defeats the purpose of the tattoo)... anyway... We were able to go for months without our parents seeing them!  I had only gotten a small butterfly that was about as big as a quarter, and she had gotten a little bit of a bigger one.  We both got them on our hips down far enough to be hidden by our pants.  Well, one day when my mom and I were arguing (which was a multiple times a day event at that point in time) she was upset with me for something so I said well, then I might as well show you this, and turned around and pulled my pants down far enough for her to see the tattoo! I'm quite surprised I didn't have to call the paramedics for both of us!  I thought for sure she was going to have a heart attack or beat me... either way we were going to need an ambulance.  She froze and then said "that not real is it?"  Needless to say, it didn't go over well and she gave me slack for it for a long time.  Now when my pants fall down or when I bend over I hear "Les, if we can see the butterfly, we can see too much!"

 All this brings me to what happened about a month or so ago.  My daughter and I were getting ready for showers in the bathroom and I had my back to her.  I had on pajama pants on and she was tugging on the waist of them so the butterfly was showing.  Her reaction was priceless!!  She gasped and says "Mommy, you have a butterfly on your butt!!"  Then she proceeded to try to wipe it off and tell me she had to get it off of there.  She really didn't ask me anything about it and it has since gone out of her mind, but I still get a kick out of it.

 My mom always used to say during those arguing days that she wishes I'd have one just like me... Well, this little girl seems to be a lot like me, so I think my mom got her wish! That's ok though, I think in the long run I turned out good, so that means that if I'm just like my mom, I'll have a good one too!!!


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