Thursday, July 19, 2012

Moobs and Mandles

Ok, so I've been gone for a while... I've been busy and too lazy in my free time to write.  Lets just blow past that and move on.

I would like to put a disclaimer on this post however...

I may have some very bad language in this.  If you're reading this... Sorry mom, and to anyone else... If you don't want cussing, don't read this one ;)

Just so you know, wearing mandles and sporting some massive moobs does not make you awesome!  Get you're stupid preppy ass back to Missouri or wherever you came from and leave me the hell alone!

A few friends and I play trivia weekly at a local bar and grill.  We're actually pretty good... well, I think I'm just there more the food and people watching since I don't do much answering.  Anyway, the summer crowd has joined in at this locale and it is really pissing me off!!  I don't care if you like to sail or a creative genius.  You are annoying.

To be a part of this "club" it seems you need to have a plain polo shirt (the silky kind of course), a pair of plaid shorts, some mandles and some moobs.  Now, the first three things are pretty easy to come by.  Like if I wanted to just join up, someone could loan me all of the first 3 and I would be all set... But to own your very own set of moobs is really something you have to work for.  They don't just appear.  I don't even know how you make them.  Maybe you get them if you don't lift anything in your life ever!

Then, they win all the time.  I know they probably know some things, but really... I call shenanigans! There is no way on this entire earth that you knew everything you got right without cheating and looking it up.  There is absolutely no fucking way!  I can see you.  I can tell by looking at you that there is no way.  You are really not fooling anyone.  You sit up there with your moobs and mandles and think you have everyone fooled... sorry to inform your unfortunately dressed ass... that is not the case.

I have to ask this one question... Do you own a fucking mirror?  I don't see how its possible that you do.  No one, not even your dumb ass can think you look that good.  Here are my suggestions for you... Get a mirror, look in it, then go shopping!  Maybe flip through a magazine first just so you can see what some of the styles are right now.  Then go to the gym.  I take that back, you don't have to go to the gym... you can just start lifting some soup cans or something.  Anything would help the massive moob take over that was happening at that table last night!  I thought I was on the set of a new movie called "Moobs Attacks".   That is not a place I want to be!!

Ok, enough ranting for now.  Feel free to comment, follow, share and suggest topics :)
